Why a competition on natural and technological hazards in 2021?
Natural hazards and technological accidents can cause victims and great economic losses. If prevention is not possible for many hazards, we can try to reduce vulnerability to disasters by providing, in particular to teachers and school students, accurate information on hazards, disasters and how to mitigate its consequences.
In order to foster knowledge on hazards and the associated preventive measures among secondary school students, an Olympiad on Natural and Technological Hazards will be organized in February 2021 under the auspices of the European and Mediterranean Major Hazards Agreement (EUR-OPA) of the Council of Europe, a platform for co-operation between 25 countries of Europe and the South of the Mediterranean in the field of disaster prevention and preparedness since 1987.
The 2021 Olympiad structure
The Olympiad will consist of an online competition (for a more detailed description of the competition, please consult the attached rules). It will be open primarily to all secondary school classes of the 25 member States of the Agreement.
The Quiz will be based on the content of BeSafeNet.net, a web-portal on Risk Awareness promoted by the EUR-OPA Agreement and developed in collaboration with the Cyprus Civil Defence.
Based on its associated centres’ respective fields of expertise (earthquakes, landslides, floods, nuclear accidents, etc.), it provides trusted educational material about hazards, risks and preparedness.
The five subjects of the competition Olympiad 2021 are:
- Landscape fires
- Chemical Emergencies
- Sea Level Rise
- Floods and
- Volcanic Eruptions
To have an idea of the kind of questions included in the Quiz, you can look at the Knowledge Tests section for some examples.
How to participate to the Olympiad?
If you have not participated in any of our previous competitions simply follow these quick and easy steps:
1. Register a new user
An endorsing teacher can create their account by clicking on the REGISTER button. The first team will be registered at the same time by providing the Team Name.
2. Activate your account
An activation email will be sent to the contact email of your account. In order to activate your team click on the link included in the email and Sign in.
3. Specify your team’s members
Once signed in click either on TEAM PROFILE (from the top menu of the web page) or the ADD MEMBERS TO JOIN THE COMPETITION button (next to the competition name) and enter students’ details.
4. Select competition
Click on the COMPETITIONS button from the top menu of the web page and click on JOIN THE COMPETITION button next to the available contest to participate in it.
5. Take part to the competition
On the announced date and hour for the competition, sign into your team’s account and click on the GO TO COMPETITION button when available.
If you already have an account, click SIGN IN button and log in with your existing credentials. Then simply follow these quick and easy steps:
1. Register new team
In the Competitions list page click on the REGISTER new team button and in the next page that opens provide all the required information. Click REGISTER TEAM to confirm your action.
2. Activate team
An activation email will be sent to the contact email of your account. In order to activate your team click on the link included in the email and Sign in.
3. Specify your team’s members
Once signed in click either on TEAM PROFILE (from the top menu of the web page) or the ADD MEMBERS TO JOIN THE COMPETITION button (next to the competition name) and enter students’ details.
4. Select competition
Click on the COMPETITIONS button from the top menu of the web page and click on JOIN THE COMPETITION button next to the available contest to participate in it.
5. Take part to the competition
On the announced date and hour for the competition, sign into your team’s account and click on the GO TO COMPETITION button when available.
How many members can my team consist of?
Your team can consist of minimum one (1) and maximum four (4) members.
Can I register the same team more than once?
The team name has to be unique for each competition. The same team members can participate in more than one contest but not in different teams during the same contest.
Can I modify the team’s details?
You can modify the details of the team and members at any time before the contest unless the below takes place:
- the contest is no longer valid,
- your team already submitted answers the contest,
- the team withdrew from the contest.
Any changes can be made in the TEAM PROFILE section once the user is signed in.
Can I modify my account details
Your e-mail address cannot be changed. An administrator of the competition can amend all other personal details. Please send your request to [email protected].
For more information regarding the Rules of the competition please click here.
- A Gold certificate for the winning team and a 1750 € voucher for their school (the teacher and students will also receive some small presents).
- A Silver certificate for the team in second place anda 1500 € voucher for their school (the teacher and students will also receive some small presents).
- A Bronze certificate for the team in third place and a 1250 € voucher for their school (the teacher and students will also receive some small presents).
The teacher and the students from each one of the best three teams will attend to a possible nomination ceremony at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg.
The top 10 ranked participating teams will receive gifts and printed Certificates of participation.
All other participating teams reaching a score of more than 80% of good answers will receive a digital Certificate of participation.
The list of small presents includes Watches, Usb memory sticks, and other consolation prizes.