
CoE – Council of Europe

EUR-OPA – European and Mediterranean Major Hazards Agreement

CCD – Cyprus Civil Defence

ECPFE – European Centre on Prevention and Forecasting of Earthquakes (Athens, Greece) 

OASP/EPPO – Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization (Athens, Greece) 

CRSTRA – Scientific and Technical Research Centre on Arid Regions (Biskra, Algeria)

ISPU – Higher Institute of Emergency Planning (Florival, Belgique) 

ECRP – European Centre for Risk Prevention (Sofia, Bulgaria)

BeSafeNet– European Centre for Disaster Awareness (Nicosia, Cyprus)

CERG – European Centre for Seismic and Geomorphological Hazards (Strasbourg, France)

ICoD – Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Insular Coastal Dynamics (Valletta, Malta)

EMSC – European Mediterranean Seismological Centre (Bruyères-le-Châtel, France)

ECFF – European Centre on Forest Fires (Athens, Greece) 

CUEBC – European University for the Cultural Heritage (Ravello, Italy) 

ECGS – European Centre for Geodynamics and Seismology (Walferdange, Luxemburg)

ECILS – European Centre on the Vulnerability of Industrial and Lifeline Systems (Skopje, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia)

CEPRIS – Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Evaluation and Prevention of Seismic Risk (Rabat, Morocco)

ECBR – European Centre for Rehabilitation of Buildings (Bucharest, Romania)

ECNTRM – European Centre of New Technologies for the Management of Natural and Technological Major Hazards (Moscow, Russian Federation) 

CEMEC – European Centre for Disaster Medicine (San Marino)

GFMC – The Global Fire Monitoring Center (Freiburg, Germany)