6. Can the consequences of volcanic eruptions be influenced by human behaviour?

Consequences can be lessened or increased based on individual behaviour and community development policies:

  • Behaviour: knowing well emergency instructions and emergency plans is essential for people living in active volcanic areas. In case of alarm or crisis, every person has to react in the right way to the efforts made by civil protection teams and authorities.
  • Development policies: adequate development policies must be applied in volcanic areas. Local communities have to know the risk levels in the different areas, authorities have to adopt and implement proper rules for buildings, industrial and agricultural activities.

If behaviour and development policies do not sufficiently consider volcanic risks, an eruption can have heavy consequences, dramatic both for individuals and for the whole society.ours and development policies don’t sufficiently consider volcanic risks, an eruption can have heavy consequences, dramatic both for individuals and for the whole society.

Volcanic eruption evacuation plan in Costa Rica - Source: http://livinglifeincostarica.blogspot.it/2013/03/volcano-evacuation.html