7. Can the causes of volcanic eruptions be influenced by human behaviour?

Volcanic hazard, as the probability of occurrence of a dangerous event, in a certain place, at a certain moment in time, cannot be influenced by human choices and behaviour since volcanic eruptions are purely nature-driven phenomena. But volcanic risk, as a function of hazard, vulnerability and exposure value, can be influenced by human behaviour: both vulnerability and exposure value depend on human choices and behaviour over the years.

It could be Pompeii: Weekend's volcanic eruptions leave villages around Mount Sinabung in Sumatra looking eerily reminiscent of the ancient Roman city of Pompeii. Source: MailOnline 13 January 2014 - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2538437/Volcanic-eruptions-leave-villages-Mount-Sinabung-looking-reminiscent-Pompeii-ancient-Roman-city-destroyed-Mount-Vesuvius.html