Sinking is a very slow process of vertical deformation with a limited extent (like limited progressive subsidence). The differential deformations can be caused by:
- The natural consolidation of recent soil formations (Quaternary), under load (weight of overlying grounds and additional weight of constructions). Typical examples for constructional problems/damage due to sinking are the Towers of Pisa and Bologna (Italy), and the Church Saint-Jean in Caen (France);
- The lowering of groundwater table by pumping. Typical examples are the cities Mexico, Venice, and Bangkok;
- The exploitation of fluids (like oil in California) or gas (in the Plain of the Po) in soil and rocks.
- The alternation of humidification and desiccation cycles in clayey soils (e.g. shrinking and swelling);
- The modification of the stresses in granular soils (liquefiable sands).