11. What to do in the case of a dam related hazard?

Before the accident:

i. Early detection of signs of distress is critical in ensuring effective dam safety. If the weakening of the structure is detected at a very early stage, remedial measures can be taken to remedy it and prevent it from becoming a hazard. Even if the detection of structural problems occurs relatively late, action can be taken to mitigate its effects, for example by lowering water levels. Even if it is detected only a few hours prior to a breach, that would still allow for action to save lives and property.
ii. Knowledge of the potential flood area.
As in all kinds of modelling, flood modelling is a realistic approximation and provides us with a general picture. The simulation software for flood modelling is used to calculate water depths and velocities in case of a dam collapse. The results may be used for dam collapse analysis, disaster management, evacuation planning, flood damage assessment, risk analysis and landscape, infrastructure, and urban planning. 
iii. Awareness of elevated sites, where one can seek refuge (hills, the upper floors of resistant buildings).
iv. Familiarity with the alarm signal.

a) Alarm system and alarm signals used in France (French Ministry of Sustainable Development);

b) International special sign for dangerous works and installations .

During the accident:

Reach as soon as possible the elevated sites.