There are three general rules for controlling exposure to ionising radiation in the event of a Radiological Emergency:
- minimising exposure time;
- maximising distance from the radiation source;
- protecting oneself from the radiation source.
Time is an important factor in limiting exposure for the public and for radiological emergency responders. The shorter the period of time an individual stays in a radiation field, the smaller the dose they will receive.
Consequently, the strategy for reducing public risk in the most severe reactor core damage accidents is the following:
Before or shortly after radioactive release – based on plant conditions
- Evacuate or take substantial shelter within 3-5 km.
- Take iodine prophylaxis near the plant.
After a release
- Carry out prompt monitoring to locate areas requiring further protective actions.
- Restrict consumption of locally grown food up to 300 km, following monitoring results.
- Undertake monitoring to locate where food restrictions and relocation are warranted.