10. Is there any way to mitigate Chemical Emergency consequences?

Mitigation refers to the measures undertaken to limit the adverse impact of a Chemical Emergency.

It is based on two main components:

  • Planning for emergencies on the site of a hazardous facility and off-site;
  • Community awareness.

The on-site and off-site emergency plans should give details of the technical and organisational procedures applicable in the event of an accident to limit the effects on people, property and the environment both within the facility and outside it.

The off-site emergency plan and all relevant on-site emergency plans must be consistent and integrated. To form that common basis for off-site and on-site emergency planning, the management of a hazardous facility should identify and assess the full range of potential accidents (including low-probability, high-consequence accidents) in the installation. This information should be available in the emergency plans. Public authorities should take particular care to ensure that all hazardous facilities (including small and medium-sized enterprises and commercial users of hazardous substances) carry out such assessments and the appropriate emergency planning.

Public authorities should ensure, through the legal and procedural means they deem appropriate, that the potentially affected community is provided with:

  • general information on the nature, extent and potential off-site effects on human health and/or the environment (including property) of possible major accidents at existing or planned hazardous facilities;
  • specific and timely information on the appropriate conduct and safety measures they should adopt in the event of an accident involving hazardous substances;
  • access to other available information needed to understand the nature of the possible effects of an accident (such as information on hazardous substances capable of causing serious off-site damage);
  • capability to contribute effectively, as appropriate, to decisions concerning hazardous facilities and the development of community emergency preparedness plans.