10. Si possono mitigare le conseguenze di siccità e desertificazione?

Il miglior modo per mitigare le conseguenze derivanti da siccità e desertificazione è fare affidamento alle conoscenze tradizionali delle popolazioni che abitano le regioni aride.

Conoscenze tradizionali delle popolazioni indigene

Le popolazioni locali hanno un ricco bagaglio di conoscenze tradizionali relative all’ambiente e possiedono metodi che ben si adattano alle condizioni locali. Risulta, pertanto, fondamentale che tali pratiche siano preservate, migliorate ed applicate sia a livello regionale che nazionale. In molti casi, esse risultano essere più sostenibili delle soluzioni a breve termine (Figura 12).

Figure 12: Oases in sand dune environment (Souf, Algeria)

Molte regioni aride costituiscono buoni esempi di vita in relazione positiva con l’ambiente. Il nomadismo si adatta in modo particolare alle particolari condizioni caratteristiche delle terre aride: nel loro continuo spostarsi da una zona con presenza d’acqua ad un’altra, senza mai rimanere nello stesso luogo, i pastori non determinano alcuna modificazione ambientale particolarmente evidente.

In Algeria, sono state adottate numerose e diversificate politiche di lotta alla desertificazione; infatti, sin dal 1970, le autorità locali hanno previsto di adottare misure quali, ad esempio, la “diga verde” (Figura 13), l’implementazione di cooperative pastorali, la promulgazione del Codice pastorale, programmi di adeguamento del prezzo della terra (DGF2, 2004), organizzazione del drenaggio superficiale ed introduzione di energie rinnovabili

Figure 13: Localization of the green dam in Algeria

Other actions can limit the consequences of the drought and desertification as for example:

  • Regeneration and fertilization of soils

To fertilize the soil, it is worth preparing compost, which will become humus and regenerate the soil with its organic matter.

  • Economy of water

Mitigation of drought passes by a better management of water, a good economy and a collective management of the resource (more sparing systems of irrigation).
In period of drought, it is necessary to treat on a hierarchical basis uses of water, to limit them, even to prohibit some of them to privilege others of them.

  • Fight the wind effects

This action is more effective by associating the mechanical fight with the biological fight by building barriers and by stabilizing the progress of sand dunes with local plants besides device mechanics. This way of operating takes into account experiences indigenous knowledge premises which proved their efficiency especially at the level of the blackheads of the main highways of Sahara.



Practice culturale adapted

Elaborate sustainable agricultural practices and Adapt cultural plans
Most of the experts agree to say that a combination of global and local strategies can make a lot to help the producers to hold out. The agriculture of preservation, which minimizes the work of the ground, can improve the use of the water, the detention of the carbon and the capacity, to support climatic stress. The producers will have to modify their farming calendar and the plants which they cultivate. For example, the sorghum can better suit than the corn in the drier conditions planned in certain zones of Africa. In South Africa, the farmers already take into account the new distribution of rains and delay the sowing of corn.
Other option, it is worth thinking of using agricultural practices as the direct sowing, which consists in sowing directly in the ground of the seeds of perennials supporting the drought.

Livestock (breeding)

  • The use of improved local breeds are better suited to the climate and its variations that imported breeds. Example: During a recent drought, farmers in Uganda who had kept their Ankole cattle were able to drive to distant water, while those who were replaced by imported breeds lost everything.
  • Where are scarce pastures and forage crops as possible, it is also advisable to keep animals in the lairage to reduce their pressure on the environment.
  • Efforts are underway to recover forage and other foods and make them more digestible for ruminants.
  • Similarly, we look forwards to improve the management of waste (manure and slurry) to reduce methane emissions, notably through more efficient conversion into biogas.
  • Combating desertification is also through a less intensive pasture practice (rotation term) which requires a good knowledge of livestock production and rangeland fodder balances (production / consomation).